Brief talk on energy-saving analysis of the twin-screw extruder main engine

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Brief talk on energy-saving analysis of the twin-screw extruder main engine

The twin-screw extruder is a big energy consumer. With the popularization of high-speed and high-torque equipment, the power of the main machine body is getting larger and larger, so the efficiency of the main machine is also relatively large. The impact on the unit energy consumption of the product is also relatively large.

The efficiency of the motor is mainly related to its working speed and load. Generally, the efficiency of the motor is the highest under the rated speed and rated load, which can reach more than 95%, and the efficiency of the motor is not much different regardless of the efficiency of the motor from 1 to 3. Between 2-3%. Therefore, the ideal production state is to let the main engine run at full speed and full load. Under the premise of not having full load operation, it is best to run at full speed, so that the requirements for the main engine are relatively high, especially the choice of gearbox is particularly important.


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